
Best Things

Best Things by J.P. Kallio Do you ever feel like you are stuck in a life that some how just does not feel yours? That you feel like you are working so hard, just to pay the bills? I think…

Burning Bridges

Burning Bridges by J.P. Kallio We all have been there, we all have some residue of past relationships left in us. We all mess things up from time to time, just because we don’t know how to let go of…

Heart on the line

Heart on the line by J.P. Kallio One of the biggest pains in my life has been watching some one dear to me, who are very talented, being undervalued and disrespected in their work environment. I know I seem like…

Boarding Call

Boarding Call by J.P. Kallio How often have you had a dream that you are absolutely sure you will accomplish some day, but for some reason you just keep putting it of? This weeks song “Boarding Call” is a song…

Crystal and Gold

Crystal and Gold by J.P. Kallio I’m sure we all have a memory from our youth, where we had a dream to do something amazing with our life. We wanted to become a movie star, painter, or even a musician,…

Don’t give up just yet

Don't give up just yet by J.P. Kallio In this week’s new song “Don’t give up just yet” I talk about dreams. I talk about how we let the excuse of “life” get on the way of trying to accomplish…

Someone else

Someone else by J.P. Kallio The break up of any relationship will leave a scar, and many of us might carry guilt as a result. It does not necessarily mean we did something wrong. It’s just that by putting us…

Thinking of you

Thinking of you by J.P. Kallio This song is quite relevant to me right now, when I am on tour with Sliotar as I write this, even though I wrote this song when I was back in Dublin. But the…

Helpless and hopeful

Helpless and hopeful by J.P. Kallio Without a shadow of a doubt it has been a strange few weeks in the world we live in. We have witnessed the cruel side of the human nature in heart breaking ways. Loss…