Quick tip 84 Treat every show seriously

J.P.s Quick tipOK lets face it, it can feel pretty crap turning up at a gig you have been looking forward to for a while now, and there is only handful of people in the audience. But those handful of people turned up, should they suffer just because you feel disappointed about the turnout? After all they made the effort to turn up.

Treat every show seriously. No matter if you are playing to two or two thousand people. There is nothing more disrespectful than looking like you don’t care during a show, just because you are not playing to a full house. Always give act professional, always give the best performance you can. And treat every audience, no matter how small with respect. In fact, you can even turn a small show to your advantage by going after the show and shake hands with everyone in the audience and thank them for coming to the show. I bet those few people will remember you for it years to come.

If you want to be a professional, act like it. Your audience, no matter how small is the reason you get to play music, so value them. Treat every show seriously.


The author J.P. Kallio is a singer songwriter
To get EIGHT of his songs for free go HERE
