Quick tip 117 Be true

J.P.s Quick tipAs an artist you are expected to have something to say. You are expected to have core values that people ( your fans) can relate to. The generic magazine cover image, ribbed abs and a carved smile with no substance representing the artist is for the major label artists trying to please “everybody.” And if that is what you are after, my advice is not for you. What I am talking about is the independent artists who build their own following from a scratch, the ones who weather the storms in the music business, while everyone else come and go.

It is vital as an artist to be true. People smell fake from miles away, they smell it through your social media posts, your songs, your live shows. Being true should be the easiest thing you do, but for some strange reason it has become a rare thing. So many artists expect they need to behave in certain way. They try to model themselves based on what they see other successful artist do.

This will never get you far. It’s the artists who know how to be true, who share from their heart, not from some preconception, that will stand out and become something unique. So stop trying to be someone else, and start working on being you.


The author J.P. Kallio is a singer songwriter
To get EIGHT of his songs for free go HERE
