You and I

JP_in_the_studio_concentrating It’s late on Thursday night here in Dublin as write this. The rain is beating on the window. It is not very inspiring day for a night walk, I can tell you. I am after spending a long day in my small office/ studio. It has been productive, but when you push it too far, the tired mind starts to doubt every step. I had trouble choosing this weeks song, hence why I am writing this post later than usual. It’s been crazy busy few weeks for me between playing shows, sessions and trying to get the latest album finished and to say I am pretty tired would be an underestimation.

But these things are sent to test us and as I mentioned before, I do some of my best work under stress ๐Ÿ™‚ And there is something extremely rewarding when you have worked your backside off on something that is very much your passion. So lets get straight in to this weeks song before the effects of my last coffee of the day wares out.

“You and I” is a song about that horrible state of breakup when we know things are drifting apart. It takes a lot of hard work to rescue relationship that is at this stage, but often unfortunately the communication is pretty non existent, or even destructive and only drives both sides further apart. It’s when “Us” turns in to “You and I”. Even after we know it is over, it can take a long time to grieve for the lost love, but also just simply giving up on those habits you grow in a relationship. And even though the rational side in you understands what happened, the emotional side “keeps asking why?”

I have been having a bit of a hard time getting this album in shape, not because of a lock of material, but in deciding which way to go with the songs. Some of them have come together very naturally, but many of them I have been in two minds of building a bigger arrangement around them, or just keeping things simple with acoustic guitar and voice. Usually I start with the more elaborate arrangement, and in the end I end up stripping it back to basics and recording the songs late at night, or really early in the morning in a dim light with just me and my guitar ๐Ÿ™‚ And once again I am reminded of the old truth, “Sometimes it is best to stick with what you know”.

And for you guitar players out there, once again I used the Journey Instruments guitar on this track and once again I was blown away by the sound it produced ๐Ÿ™‚

So as always, I’d love to know what you think of the song and feel free to share it with the world ๐Ÿ™‚


The author J.P. Kallio is a singer songwriter
To get three of his free songs go HERE and click Download
