Vlog 72 On songwriting

So as I promised, I will be including occasionally also some of the stuff that in the past I posted in the blog posts in the vlogs as well. Monday’s have become my dedicated songwriting days. It is not the only time I write songs, in fact I am always working on an idea at the back of my mind. But rain or shine, on Monday’s I sit down to write a song. In today’s vlog I talk about songwriting an share some of my small tips. If you guys like these, I will include more of them in the future. And once again you get to be the fly on the way as I work on a new song.

I also talk about Ryan Kairalla’s new book Break The Business, which is just fresh of the press and available on Amazon right now HERE. I got to read the book before it came out, and I must say it is one of the best music business books I have ever come across, and even more so it is relevant right now. If you are or try to become a professional musician, you owe it to yourself to read this book. I have not been paid to say any of this, I just believe in the book.

Back for more tomorrow 🙂


The author J.P. Kallio is a singer songwriter
To get EIGHT of his songs for free go HERE


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