August 26, 2016

Don’t give up just yet

Don't give up just yet by J.P. Kallio In this week’s new song “Don’t give up just yet” I talk about dreams. I talk about how we let the excuse of “life” get on the way of trying to accomplish…

Quick tip 256 Fresh start

New year is a perfect opportunity to clean the slate of all the crap we ended up carrying with us the year before. Figure out what works, what does not and what you should concentrate your efforts on. I know…

Quick tip 247 Get good by doing

The experience of having actually done something is extremely valuable. And I let you on a little secret: You don’t actually need to be great at something when you start. We live in a very different world than our parents would…

Quick tip 242 Bigger picture

I always talk about the importance of breaking down your tasks in to small manageable blocks. This has served me well in the past. Often music business can seem like almost impossible mountain to climb, but if you break down…