Vlog 130 The morning of Brussels attacks

By the nature of vlogging and it capturing my everyday life, eventually some global events make their way into these vlogs. And as a vlogger it comes with a territory to talk about it. Back in vlog number 18 I recorded my initial reactions to the Paris attacks. Never did I think I’d be shook to the core the same way this soon again. And lets not forget that only a week ago, we were watching the news on the attack in Istanbul.

In today’s vlog I talk about two important issues to do with these attacks. I talk about traveling, and how by traveling, we might be able to have a better understanding of different cultures. And times like these, understanding each others and being able to separate few disturbed individuals from a nation of people or a religion is very important. The other thing is to keep going. Do what it is that you do. Don’t let them scare you from living your everyday life. That is what they are after.

And then to stay true to my words, I made my self to get back into working on this weeks song. It is what I am good at and it is what I need to be doing in times like these.


The author J.P. Kallio is a singer songwriter
To get EIGHT of his songs for free go HERE


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