21th of August 2016 Vlog update
Vlog 280 21th of August 2016 Vlog update The rain is beating on the window once again as I write this. The summer just seem to fly by without really sticking around here in Dublin at all… But I am…
Vlog 280 21th of August 2016 Vlog update The rain is beating on the window once again as I write this. The summer just seem to fly by without really sticking around here in Dublin at all… But I am…
By the nature of vlogging and it capturing my everyday life, eventually some global events make their way into these vlogs. And as a vlogger it comes with a territory to talk about it. Back in vlog number 18 I…
100th vlog! How did that happen? I am filled with so many emotions that I can’t even start to try to explain where to get started. First of all I am proud that I have made one hundred vlogs. I…
Go check out I’m not ready (official video) Here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/im-not-ready-4401351 It is a public post, so feel free to share it with the world. In today’s vlog I am mainly stuck in the office. I talk about home recording, my future…
This weeks song inspired me to make a video for it. In today’s vlog I take you along as I am filming and freezing my self on the wintery streets of Dublin. The video is still being edited and will…