October 30, 2015

Happy Monday

Today I am in transit. Even though Poland is not that far away from Ireland still the trip takes about half a day. Once again it is time for goodbyes, but lucky enough this time there is only few months…

Learn to switch off

As children we were taught to brush our teeth every morning and night. It was programmed so well into us, that we do it almost automatically for the rest of our lives. We know a good diet is important and…

Vlog 9

  Right so, it was a time for another vlog 🙂 All the content is in the video it self, so just hit the play and enjoy. I’ll include here the links to the categories mentioned in the video: Quick…

The path is broken

The path is broken, so why do we insist on walking on it? Why don’t we search  new path? Or even better, make our own? Why do we insist on sticking to what was, when it has been proven to…