I hope some day

Our past relationships can affect us in more ways than one. In this week’s song “I hope some day” I dig into those old ghosts that might be holding us back. And I am not talking about still having feelings for your past partner, that is completely different issue. What I’m talking about are the wounds and scars we might have picked up during our past relationships and how we need the distance to heal and move on. 

These old scars can have an effect on our current relationships and unless we completely let go, we are stuck in the past. And to do that we need distance. I know in the ideal world we would stay as great friends with our ex, but in reality this is harder to do and can keep opening old wounds.

This week’s song is also a bit braver move musically as well, so I would love to hear your thoughts on it. And don’t forget that you can get this week’s new song right now from my Bandcamp page HERE. You can set your own price, and if money is tight, just put $0.00 as the price and you are good to go 🙂 Hope you enjoy the new song and thank you for taking the time to listen.


The author J.P. Kallio is a Singer-songwriter and a daily vlogger
To get EIGHT of his songs for free go HERE


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