May 20, 2016

Living Till The Day He Died

Living Till The Day He Died by J.P. Kallio I’ll be straight with you, this weeks song is a deep one. I lost an old friend during the week, and that kind of emotional charge inevitably made it’s way to…

No Tomorrow

No Tomorrow by J.P. Kallio This weeks song came out of a personal experience of watching a friend who has struggled with addiction for years slip once again. Every time they seem to have put the past behind and convince…


Impossible by J.P. Kallio Lately I have been more and more worried about the state of the world. I am worried about what we are leaving behind us. How many species are going to be hunted down to extinction in…

Let go

Let go by J.P. Kallio This weeks song is probably as far as I have pushed the boat out musically from where I started from. Let’s just say that the younger version of me would just have laughed if he…


Baby by J.P. Kallio This weeks song “Baby” is a love song with a twist. It is a love song about the times when things are not necessarily going well. Every relationship hits hard times. Some relationships survive, some don’t….

What’s become

What’s become by J.P. Kallio This weeks song talks about one of the dreaded killers of a relationship, time. We are so worried about all the other stuff, infidelity, loyalty, the excitement, security, that we miss the most dangerous element,…

What would you do?

What would you do? by J.P. Kallio We have natural tendency to live our life with in safe perimeters. We do what we are expected to do, because that’s the way we have been taught to believe. When we are…

All said and done

All said and done by J.P. Kallio This weeks song All said and done talks about the human need to have someone in our life who we can rely on, when we need it the most. It also talks more…