Loving You

This week’s song is a love song, but with a twist. This song is all about the complexity of a relationships. This song is all about (wait for it) the confusing concept of make-up sex. It is all about the passionate fire between two people while the pain and resentment of the fight is still lingers in the air. Lets face it, every relationship has arguments. If you try to tell me that they don’t then I can tell you that you have found a dead relationship.

I don’t mean it is required to have a regular argument in a relationship. I mean it just happens from time to time. Things get bottled up and some day the cork just needs to pop. To have the highs you need to have the lows as well. It’s the way life goes. And it does not mean you don’t love each other. “Loving You” is all about tension between two passionate people dancing a balancing act.

The song is up on my Bandcamp page and you can download it HERE. As always, you can name your own price, or if you can’t afford, just put $0.00 in the price and you are good to go 🙂 As I said before, I want you to have the music. But what you can do for me is to spread the word about this song. Share this page on your Facebook and Twitter page, share the image on your Instagram page, use the music on your YouTube video, tell the world about it. Just don’t forget to mention my name 😉


The author J.P. Kallio is a singer songwriter
To get EIGHT of his songs for free go HERE


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