July 22, 2015

Vlog 4. Walking around Bundan

Here’s me walking around at the Bundan Celtic Festival. Also messing around with my band mates from Sliotar. It is a great festival, and you should definitely go to it if you get a chance. I’m writing this post from…

Quick tip 29 Business card

It never stops amazing me how impressed other musicians are while exchanging contacts and I pull out a business card. It was one of the first things I made, after my website when I started this journey. It’s not something…

Watch The Rain

During the July and August this year, like most summers in the past eight years I spent quite a lot of time at festivals around Europe while touring with Sliotar. I was always a big believer as a musician you…

The Magic of Music

I am just back from a great show in the Porterhouse, where I play regularly. I play there acoustic sessions during the week, and with Sliotar full amplified shows during the weekend. From time to time all of us in…