Someone else
Someone else by J.P. Kallio The break up of any relationship will leave a scar, and many of us might carry guilt as a result. It does not necessarily mean we did something wrong. It’s just that by putting us…
Someone else by J.P. Kallio The break up of any relationship will leave a scar, and many of us might carry guilt as a result. It does not necessarily mean we did something wrong. It’s just that by putting us…
Baby by J.P. Kallio This weeks song “Baby” is a love song with a twist. It is a love song about the times when things are not necessarily going well. Every relationship hits hard times. Some relationships survive, some don’t….
New Year by J.P. Kallio This song is about not being scared of the unknown, of the future. This song is about appreciating what we have right now. It is about honesty, about being honest with yourself. It is about…
Love Is What We Need by J.P. Kallio In the past week the world watched horrified at the picture of a three-year old Aylan Kurdi washed up on the beach in Turkey. He came from Kobani, in Syria, which has…
Who am I to You? by J.P. Kallio We flow from day-to-day, more out of convenience than anything else. We are used to each other’s company, and even though what we had in the beginning is very different from what…
This week’s song starts once again a new chapter in our journey. As my latest album “After the Storm” is coming out in few days, I am already working hard writing and recording the next one. I can already reveal…
Well it’s that time of the year again when all the lovers get all soft and mushy, the restaurant bookings (and prices) go up for one night, ridiculous amount of roses are sold through the shops… Obviously I am talking…
The term “Friend” really can mean so many things to different people. This week’s song “Just Friends” talks about something I have witnessed over and over again. I have seen it cause a lot of heartache to people, I have…
They tell you to write a hit song, something catchy , something that people will remember. Make it a love song, a happy song, a party song. They tell you to record the song in the best studio in town,…
Read Between The Lines by J.P. Kallio We have come to the end of the songs from my second album “Read Between The Lines“. This week’s song is the last track and it is called “Side By Side”. This is…