Quick tip 98 Validation

J.P.s Quick tipAs artists we are looking for validation. I think is just the human nature to feel the need to be validated. We want people to recognise us, notice us, to make us feel like what we do is real, like we are doing it right, like we are real artists. Here’s the thing, it is all just waste of energy.

Validation in the arts does not exist! There are no committee of people in some big office building, or a court room, who decide what’s real and whats not. We have become to put value in things like reviews. The truth is, even if it’s the Rolling Stone magazine, still at the end of the day the person writing the review is only one person, and the opinion is theirs alone. There are no great authority out there who decides what’s real and whats not. As an artist as long as you touch people, evoke an emotion and make them think, you are doing it, you are real!

So the only people you need to “validate” you is your audience. If they enjoy your music and listen to it, then you are “validated”, certified, bona fide real artist! So stop wasting time trying to find some higher validation, and concentrate on your audience.


The author J.P. Kallio is a singer songwriter
To get EIGHT of his songs for free go HERE
