Quick tip 52 Know what you want

J.P.s Quick tipWhen you set out to climb a mountain, your target is to reach the summit. You work towards that goal, you practice your mountain climbing skill, you study the route, you gear up for the journey. Sure things will happen along the way that you are not expecting and you need to adapt, but you have a general idea of what you are about to do and how you are going to do it.

Too many musicians have a dream, but the dream is not focused. There is no clear end goal. We want someone to help us get to the next level. But we have no real idea how we want to do this, or even what that next level is. In fact if we did know all of this, we probably would not need someone to help us get there. We could climb that mountain our selves

Know what you want. Study how you can get there. Have specific goals and time line when you want to reach these goals. Be realistic, but also do not be scared to dream big.


The author J.P. Kallio is a singer songwriter
To get EIGHT of his songs for free go HERE
