Quick tip 120 Take action

J.P.s Quick tipI’ve had a productive morning. I wrote a blog post for this weeks song, got the song back from my mastering engineer, uploaded it to Soundcloud and posted the song with the blog post on my website. I Had a two-hour meeting with Rory from Melosity, I send a conference message to the lads from Sliotar to do with new volume restrictions in tonight’s concert. I finished writing a song for a friend of mine, recorded and mixed the first draft of it. I shared all sorts of content on my Twitter feed, that I think my followers might be interested in. And now I am writing the second blog post, which is this Quick tip you are reading right now 🙂

Many of these things I could have said I’ll do later as I am playing tonight. But that is not me, and that is not how we get stuff done. Take action consistently throughout the day. Make things happen, don’t wait for them to happen. For the most parts you are in charge of your own destiny. So take action today, right now and change your future! Create something beautiful, do something innovative, solve a problem, make someones day, make your day. Take action now!


The author J.P. Kallio is a singer songwriter
To get EIGHT of his songs for free go HERE
