You and I Video

Here’s another video from my new album that is coming out on the 2nd of December 2014 🙂 I had been recording videos for two days at this point, and it was getting late. The rain was pounding on the windows as the autumn was making its presence known outside which made for a great mood for this song. To read more about the song you can check it out HERE.

newvideoAs always, by hitting those shares below, posting the video on your Twitter or Facebook pages or posting it on your blog, if you might have one is a great help to me. The two videos I posted so far this month you guys shared widely and I am very grateful of this. You guys rock!

And also I would love to know what you think of the song and the video. I am in a middle of editing more videos and your input would be great 🙂


The author J.P. Kallio is a singer songwriter
To get three of his free songs go HERE and click Download
