Time For Change

J.P. Kallio - Hard To StopToday’s song “Time For Change” is the last song of my 52 song challenge ๐Ÿ™‚ It is also the last song of an EP I am giving away as a Christmas gift and thank you for everyone who have signed up for my Mailing list, so if you are on the list, you should have an email waiting for you in your mail box ๐Ÿ™‚ The EP is called “Hard To Stop”, which kind of suitably describes where I am right now ๐Ÿ˜€ I am extremely proud of what I did in the past year, but at this stage, releasing these songs has become something enjoyable as well as challenging in a rewarding kind of way, that I have decided to just keep going. That means next Friday there will be another new song on my website ๐Ÿ™‚

So I hope you enjoy the this EP and as always I’d love to hear what you make of it.

This week’s song “Time For Change” is my reflective look of some of the austerity Irish as well as people all around the world have had to endure as a result of the collapse of the banking system. We govern our countries with a system that has not changed much, whereas the world we live in has changed a lot. And it seems time and time again it is the hard working people who get hit when the system fails.

It is not hard to see that the cracks are starting to show. The rich are getting richer and the poor barely make it through the day. It is an alarming situation as never in the history where this has happened before has it not ended in a bloodshed and ordinary people taking down the establishment. My worry is that there are more weapons in this world than ever before when something similar took place, and the weapons are more lethal.

I know things need to reach a boiling point before there is genuine change, unfortunately that is the way things work in our world. But I am hoping we could learn something from the history. I am hoping we could try to bring about the change before it all get out of our hands. And I am not just saying this in a way of just pointing out the flaws, but I will work my hardest as well to offer alternatives and solutions in the future.

Being an artist I do take a close look at the world around me. That’s where my songs come from. And if the past year has taught me anything, it is that this in part is my responsibility as a songwriter. I hope you will continue this journey with me in the 2015 as well.


The author J.P. Kallio is a singer songwriter
To get three of his free songs go HERE and click Download
