Quick tip 68 Give your self a break

J.P.s Quick tipTrying to break the music business is trying to break one of the hardest business in the world. It takes devotion, it eats your time and sometimes if you’re not careful, it can take over your life. Sure you need to be passionate, you need to want it more than the other guy, you need to live and breathe it day and night. But there comes time you need to give your self a break.

My time management is quite good, but still I need to remind my self from time to time, my work is not all there is to life. From time to time I just need to stop and get other stuff done, like wash laundry, go out for a long walk, go to shop, buy some fresh food and cook a dinner instead of eating out on the go.

It is good to work hard, as long as it is what you want to do. But the world will not crumble if you once in a while take a day off to take care of yourself. And I bet you will enjoy your work better when you come back to it.


The author J.P. Kallio is a singer songwriter
To get EIGHT of his songs for free go HERE
