Quick tip 29 Business card

J.P.s Quick tipIt never stops amazing me how impressed other musicians are while exchanging contacts and I pull out a business card. It was one of the first things I made, after my website when I started this journey. It’s not something fancy or impressive to have, it is a must if you want to do some real business!

This day and age you can get business cards done in matter of minutes and at very cheap rate. When you are looking in to getting some done, it is hard to beat Vistaprint. They provide good quality business cards, and you can start with a small batch, so the financial investment is minimal. They also have loads of templates and designs to choose from. But as soon as you can, I would recommend you to get your own design. Again this you can do really fast with Vistaprint online. Your own design straight away can help in establishing your brand.

As to the information, I know it is tempting to have a card with all of your social media sites, but I would advice against it. Again, just your name, website address, Email and a phone number is all you need. I still have a box of Sliotar business cards with our MySpace address on them 😀 Obviously we don’t hand them out anymore… If you want to promote your Facebook page, make separate flyers for that purpose, as I said Vistaprint is cheap 😉 But the business card should have just the most important information.

Again this is something, if you don’t have business cards, you should order them today, don’t wait for tomorrow.


The author J.P. Kallio is a singer songwriter
To get EIGHT of his songs for free go HERE
