3rd of August blog update

brnoofficeI am writing this blog update in a hotel room in Brno, but by the time it come’s out I will be in Austria, the morning after our last show of Sliotar‘s 2014 Summer tour and a day before I fly back to Dublin. It’s been a great tour, one of the best I think. And as much as I am glad to get back home, a little part of me would like the tour to continue 🙂 But hey, next time.

So even though the tour has devoured my life for the past few weeks, I still managed to post quite lots of stuff on my website and here is the rundown of the week gone by.

First as always, we start with this weeks song. Once again a massive thank you to Matthew Gillian for the help on this one. Check it out here:

Only Son

Why is it so hard to take good advice on board when it is given to us? I have been guilty of this several times. So here’s a blog post on it:

You will not believe it until you see it

In the middle of all this touring I managed even edit a video that I did some filming for before I left Dublin. Check it out here:

Sunny Summer’s Day Video

When we are going to the studio, we want fancy microphones, valve mic preamps, analogue tape machines, flashing lights… But too often we forget about the most important thing, the man with the skills to operate it all:

Finding the right studio engineer

I love touring, but from time to time it can be tough as well. But it’s the small things in life that matters the most in these moments 🙂

Small things in life

And that’s all for now folks, as always you know I’ll be posting lots more during the week, so keep checking back 😉


The author J.P. Kallio is a singer songwriter
To get two of his free songs go HERE and click Download
