20th of July Blog Update

Not that I’d want to make you feel jealous or anything, but I’m in Italy while you read this 🙂 2014 Sliotar summer tour is in full swing. Speaking of full swing, I’ve had a lot to say this week 😀 So let’s get to the posts straight away.

Obviously first I’d like to draw your attention to this weeks song. Brian O’Shea again did a bit of Banjo magic on this one:

Tell My Darling

Mr. Garth Brooks has finally decided not to go ahead with any of the Dublin dates. It was a mess of a situation, so I wrote down my thought on it here:

Garth Brooks Dublin Fiasco

Walter from the Global Texan Chronicles asked me to write this blog post. I really got in to it 😉

10 Reasons why your band won’t succeed

Week a go I was sitting on the stage in the Porterhouse singing a song to my self and this blog post kind of just wrote it self 🙂

The Purpose of a Singer-Songwriter

A good friend of mine Christian Lanzoni helped me out with a great drawing for this blog post. It asks the all so important question, What would you do to succeed in music business?

What would you do?

So yeah, what a week! There you go, hope you enjoy your read and let me know what you think of the posts. Also if there is anything specific you’d like to see me write about, let me know and I can look in to it.


The author J.P. Kallio is a singer songwriter
To get two of his free songs go HERE and click Download
